"Hi! My name is Drew. I'm a twelve year-old Little League player and I'm going to teach you some baseball basics. When I first started playing baseball, I was seven and a little nervous about what to do when I got the ball. So my Dad made this CD to help me out. It worked so well, it's an approved product of Little League Baseball®. And it can help.
On every hit of the ball, each player on the field should be moving. Obviously, at least one player will try to catch the ball when it's hit, but every other player also has an assignment: covering a base, backing up, playing cutoff, etc. That's what Where's The Play?® teaches. Using interactive graphics showing all the basic defensive situations young players are likely to face, kids see plays unfold, learn the right way to react, and with constant interactive feedback, correct mistakes.
Where's The Play?® is unique. It's interactive. Kids decide what they want to cover, then use their computers, where they love to learn, to discover baseball and softball principles on their own.
And, it's a great coaching tool, too! |
Whether they play youth baseball or softball, boys and girls ages 6 to 12, can learn from the situational training found in Where's The Play?® An approved product of Little League Baseball®, Where's The Play? focuses on defense and strategy, helping players avoid common mental mistakes.
Where's The Play? teaches by interacting with the player. Youngsters learn by clicking and discovering baseball and softball principles for themselves. If they don't understand, there's always an explanation available. Learn more about the activities in each inning of Where's The Play? by clicking on the inning icons to the left.
Where's The Play? instructional software is an invaluable aid in building confidence and competence in young players.
Players: Learn what to do when the ball is hit. Relax, have fun and make more plays.
Coaches: Reinforces what you teach. Never contradicts! Builds mental agility; reduces mistakes. Great for working with teams on rainy days or when field time is limited.
Parents: Kids have more fun because Where's The Play? builds confidence and competence in young players. |
Here's what people are saying about Where's The Play?® |
"It's one of the best teaching software aides I've seen. It's all the basics that can't be taught or stressed enough at this early age until they are second nature."
- Coach
"I have recommended your CD to all my players' parents. For my money, this is the best, off field, baseball teaching tool available."
- Parent/Coach
"I gave my son your instructional CD for Christmas and he is trying to wear it out! His having Where's The Play is like having a full-time coach living in the house."
- Parent
"My daughter's not only the youngest player on her softball team, she's a rookie. She started with the CD before the first practice and we review with it after every game. Her coach has been impressed with her knowledge of the game and to this day does not know this is her first season. She has played almost every inning of every game because her coach has confidence in her."
- Parent
"I think this is great! The CD is marvelous. I've had our whole team over playing it together. It has increased my son's field awareness 150%! Great product."
- Parent/Coach
"I sensed my son's frustration when the ball was hit to him and he hesitated or held onto the ball before throwing it. We covered these things in practice, but it wasn't getting through. We spent the winter using your CD and talking about baseball. He couldn't wait until Spring. Since he started playing this year, I could see his enthusiasm and confidence grow each time out."
- Parent/Coach
"My son watches tapes and reads books about baseball, but he really took to your product because of the interactivity. The CD helped him be confident of where to throw the ball depending on the situation. Thanks for an excellent product."
- Parent
"I'm a grandfather of little leaguers and a 40 year coach at every amateur level. Field practice time is scarce and precious. By the time you cover batting practice and infield/outfield there isn't much time to work on 'situations.' Your CD provides the opportunity for players at every age level to do 'their homework' on this most important aspect of the game in a fun way at their leisure. My grandsons love it. They said it's the best present I ever gave them."
- Grandparent/Coach
"I thought your software was excellent. I showed it to many of my coaches and they concurred. This can help players become better while still being fun."
- League President
"My son is 8. The CD is absolutely awesome {it} got him interested in the game and wanting to know the right answer."
- Parent
"Any coach who is looking for a tool to put the mental game in the minds of little players can't go wrong with this fun CD."
- Coach
"I saw my daughter go from intimidated and uneasy in the field to a confident defensive team leader. Her whole outlook on the game has changed. Now she wants the ball hit to her!"
- Parent
"Nice for that rainy day when the team has to go inside. It gets the boys really thinking. It reinforces what I've been teaching for years."
- Coach
"My son received it as a gift from his grandfather and it's been a godsend. The CD is a fun, engaging, interactive way to supplement the practice. As a mom who never played baseball or softball, it's a wonderful way to learn where the play is and engage in a learning activity with my son and 7-year old daughter who will soon be playing softball."
- Parent |
03/06/2002 - Updated 12:52 PM ET
By Scott Zucker, USA TODAY Baseball Weekly
2002 products to help you look and play sharp
Where's the Play?®
Where's the Play? is an interactive computer game for kids ages 6 to 12. The CD, narrated by a 12-year-old Little Leaguer, teaches kids the mental basics of baseball. Using simple graphics, the instructional software shows a baseball diamond and players, and lays out various situations and allows the user to answer questions (using the mouse) for each situation. Where's the Play? deals with covering bases, throwing to the right base, cutoff throws and backing up plays. The different sections are broken down into innings with each inning increasing in difficulty. |